Thursday, October 27, 2022

Mid-term questions Massive Online course for UG Students of Agricultural Universities of India developed by Dr. C.Prabakaran, HC&RI(W), Trichy


Choose the correct answer
A1.  Father of Nanotechnology
            a. Eric  Drexler                                                b. Richard Feynman
            c. Norio Taniguchi                               d. Gordon Moore
            Answer : b. Richard Feynman

A2.  The size of Nanoparticle  is
            a. 1-100 nm     b. 101-200 nm            c. 201-300 nm    d. none of the above
            Answer: a. 1-100 nm

A3.  Who develop Nano-scale phenomena?
            a. Alexander Fleming              b. Gordon Moore       
            c. Robert Koch                         d. Eric Drexler
Answer: d. Eric Drexler

A4.  Top-down approach means making nano systems, materials and devices        starting from
            a. Bulk materials                     b. Molecules and atoms        
            c. both a and b                                    d. None of the above
            Answer: a. Bulk materials

A5.  One nanometer (nm) is
a. 10-7m                       b. 10-8m           c. 10-9m                       d. None of the above
            Answer: c. 10-9m

A6.  ----------------- mill has been used for successful preparation of mechanically alloyed powder.
a. Low Energy Tumbling                     b. High Energy Ball     c. Planetary Ball
            d. Attrition Ball Mill
            Answer: a. Low Energy Tumbling Mill

A7. Carbon nonotubes are ------- times stronger than steel but six times lighter
a. 10                b. 100              c. 1000                        d. 10000
Answer: b. 100

A8. -------------is the removal of atomized material from a solid due to energetic bombardment of its surface layers by ions or neutral particles.
a. Sputtering  b. CVD             c. Both a and b                        d. None of this
Answer: a. Sputtering 

A9. During -----------, addition of water results in the replacement of [OR] group with [OH-] group
a. hydrolysis    b. Condensation          c. Growth of particles        d. None of this
Answer: a. hydrolysis

A10. ------------ Properties of metal nanoparticles depend on their shape and size
a. Optical        b. Physical       c. Mechanical        d. None of this
Answer: a. Optical

A11. ----------- nanoparticles have shown electron – acceptor properties
a. Silver           b. Gold c. Iron        d. None of this
Answer: b. Gold

A12. Quantum dots are ------------ particles that has all three dimensions confined to the 1-100 nm length scale
a. semiconductors       b. conductors  c. Insulator         d. None of this
Answer: a. semiconductors

A13. Role of stabilizers is
a. prevent particle aggregation                     b. control growth rate           
c. controls particle size                                   d. All
Answer: d. All

A14. Molecular beam Epitaxy takes place in
a. low vacuum             b. medium vacuum         c. high vacuum        d. Presence of gas Answer: c. high vacuum

A15. Synthesis of III-V semiconductor nanoparticles is quite complex and requires -----------temperature
  1. High                 b. Medium                  c. low                           d. None of this
Answer: c. high
A16. A micelle is an aggregate of surfactant molecules dispersed in a
  1. Liquid   b. Gas   c. Solid    d. Vapour

A17. ------------------- Mill is used mainly for production of amorphous alloys.
a. Low Energy Tumbling                     b. Vibrating Ball         c. Planetary Ball
            d. Attrition Ball Mill
A.18 Wave length of the light produced from the quantum depends on the ------------- of the quantum particles
  1. Shape              b. Size c. Material     d. Electron arrangements
A.19 Most stable fullerene consisting of -----------carbon atoms
a. 60   b. 70     c.76     d. 84
A. 20 Diameter of SWNT is -----------nm
a.0.4 to 2.0     b. 2 to 100       c. 100-150       d. 150-250
A. 21 CNT can be described as a sheet of----------- rolled into a cylinder
a. Diamond     b. graphite     c. ash               d. Charcoal
A 22. According to Moore’s law the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every
a) 10 years
b) 2 years
c) 5 years
d) 2 Months
Ans: two years

A23. Unit of length used to measure atoms and molecules
  1. Nanometer      b. Ångstrom   C. Micron        d. Both a and b
24. A technique used to prepare thin films is
a. Physical method      b.  sol-gel        c. Chemical Vapour Deposition        d. Sputtering 
25. Aggregates of atoms, molecules or clusters in the nanoscale is called
a. Nanocrystals           b. Nanoclusters          c. Nanofabrication      d. Nanobubbles

26. Solid crystalline bulk particles is ---------- Dimensional nanoparticles
a. Zero             b. One c. Two              d. Three
27. Which leaf extract is used to produce gold nano particles
a. Avena sativa            b.  Tamarind               c. Azadirachta indica  d. All   
28. By using Verticillium fungi ----------- nano particles is produced
a. Gold             b. Silver           c. CdS              d. both a and b
29. Ferroelectric materials smaller than 10 nm can switch their magnetisation direction using room temperature thermal energy, thus making them
a)      useless for memory storage
b)      highly useful for memory storage
c)      highly useful for magnetic storage
d)      None of the above
ANS:a) Useless for memory storage
30 ------------- are semi conductors used to make super-strong and long-lasting metal parts

a)      Nanocrystals
b)      Nanoinsulators
c) Nanoconductors
d)  Langmuir Blod get assembly
Ans : a. Nanocrystals


Differentiate between Fullerenes and quantum dots
Write short note on Pulsed laser deposition technique
List the various features of PLGA
Distinguish between SWNT and MWNT
Biosynthesis of nanoparticles using plant extracts

List the various applications of CNT
Application of nano technology 


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